Licypriya Kangujam International Girl Child DayLicypriya Kangujam International Girl Child Day

On International Girl Child Day, it’s important to highlight the impact and inspiration Licypriya Kangujam brings to the world as a shining example of what the empowered girl child can achieve. Licypriya is more than just a climate activist. Born on October 2, 2011, in Bashikhong, Manipur, India, she has been advocating for change not only on environmental fronts but also on socio-political issues. On International Girl Child Day, it’s important to highlight the impact and inspiration Licypriya brings to the world as a shining example of what the empowered girl child can achieve.

Licypriya Kangujam : Biography

From an early age, Licypriya showed an unparalleled dedication to bettering the world. At the age of seven, she began raising her voice against climate change and disaster risk reduction. Her journey into activism was inspired by a UN disaster conference in Mongolia in 2018, which led her to establish the “Child Movement”. Through this, she sought to draw attention to the necessity of addressing climate change and the impacts of natural disasters.

Beyond the environment, Licypriya is not shy about taking on more significant global issues. Her recent tweets, leading up to International Girl Child Day 2023, shine a light on this. She has been outspoken on political matters in her home country, specifically regarding the plight of the people of Manipur, as well as the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict, the need for peace, and the overarching theme of climate justice.

Licypriya Kangujam’s Plea to PM Modi: Addressing the Crisis in Manipur

Licypriya Kangujam urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to address the pressing issues in his home state of Manipur.

Licypriya drew attention to the terrorist attacks from Myanmar that had been ongoing for five months, leading to the death of over 200 innocent people. These attacks have resulted in the displacement of over 100,000 people, indicating a humanitarian crisis in the region. Over 40,000 children have been out of school since May due to the attacks and the subsequent displacements, disrupting their education and future. Licypriya’s plea to PM Modi was primarily about seeking justice for Manipur. She urged him to address these issues and stand with the people of Manipur, highlighting the urgency and gravity of the situation.

In essence, Licypriya Kangujam’s call to PM Modi was to prioritize and address the ongoing crisis in Manipur and provide justice and support to its affected people.

The Role Model

On the surface, Licypriya’s achievements in environmental activism are truly commendable. Her “Child Movement” and the symbolic “SUKIFU” device for tackling air pollution demonstrate her commitment to tangible change. Her consistent advocacy at platforms like the United Nations and her participation in climate strikes underscores the significance of her message.

However, on this International Girl Child Day, it’s essential to recognize that her role as an advocate goes beyond just the environment. Her tweets reflect a maturity and insight into global affairs that are impressive for someone her age. She speaks out about political issues, world peace, and the importance of culture and identity, showcasing a holistic approach to the challenges of the world.

Her tweet on Daughters Day encapsulates her spirit perfectly: “Every girl child has the power to change the World.” Her assertion that “activism is my rent for living on this planet” is a rallying call for young girls everywhere to take a stand for what they believe in.

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International Girl Child Day: Conclusion

Every influential figure has their challenges, and while there have been controversies surrounding Licypriya, it’s important to separate the individual from the larger narrative. The controversies tied to her father shouldn’t overshadow the inspiring work she’s been doing. On International Girl Child Day, it’s crucial to recognize and celebrate the strength, resilience, and potential of young girls worldwide.

Licypriya Kangujam represents hope. She’s a beacon for every girl child, showing that with passion and perseverance, they too can influence global narratives and drive change. As we observe this significant day, it’s figures like Licypriya who remind us of the boundless potential and power every girl holds within her.

By Gretakgawshik

Dinesh Gretakgawshik, a seasoned writer and editor for, is known for transforming complex news into digestible content. With two years at, his versatile articles inspire, educate and provoke thought.

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