World Breastfeeding Week

Mangan, August 1 : The inaugural ceremony of World Breastfeeding Week was held at District Hospital Mangan today. Organized by ICDS Mangan in collaboration with the RCH division of the district hospital, the event focused on the theme “Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for All.”

Importance of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is essential for the health and development of both mother and child. It provides the ideal nutrition for infants and helps to strengthen the bond between mother and baby. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life, followed by continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods for up to two years or beyond.

In India, breastfeeding rates are improving but still require significant support and education. According to the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5), about 58% of infants are exclusively breastfed for the first six months. Promoting breastfeeding can help reduce infant mortality rates and improve the health of mothers and children.

Event Highlights: World Breastfeeding Week

The ceremony was graced by notable guests including DC Mangan Mr. Anant Jain (IAS), Councillor MNP Ms. Tshering Doma Bhutia, CMO Dr. T. T. Kaleon, DRCHO Dr. Tshering Zomba Lachenpa, Deputy Director Mangan Ms. Sonam Lhaden Lachungpa, Deputy Director Dzongu Mr. Netuk Lepcha, Senior DPHNO Mrs. Peden Bhutia, LHV Mrs. Norkey Lepcha, HE Mr. Rinchen Bhutia, along with Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs), Anganwadi workers, ICDS supervisors, SWIs, and officials from relevant departments.

CMO Mr. Kaleon addressed the gathering, outlining the roles and responsibilities of the Brand Ambassador for Breastfeeding. He emphasized encouraging normal deliveries over Caesarean sections and the importance of immediate breastfeeding within the first few hours after childbirth.

The event also marked the launch of the Brand Ambassador for Breastfeeding initiative in Mangan District. This initiative aims to enhance support and education for mothers about the benefits and techniques of breastfeeding from the very beginning. Appointed nurses will serve a term of one year, promoting breastfeeding, demonstrating feeding postures, and offering personalized support to new mothers.

DC Mr. Jain highlighted the importance of public trust in medical professionals and the responsibility of the medical community to guide them correctly. He urged women to recognize the significance of exclusive breastfeeding, especially during the first six months post-delivery, and encouraged promoting awareness about its benefits and natural childbirth.

Councillor Ms. Tshering expressed her gratitude towards ASHA and Anganwadi workers for their dedication, underscoring their crucial roles in societal well-being. She assured the gathering of the Mangan Nagar Panchayat’s support and urged the workers to seek assistance whenever necessary.

Additional Activities: World Breastfeeding Week

World Breastfeeding Week

The program featured a Baby Show and a competition showcasing nutritious food for lactating women, with winners receiving gift hampers. Brief sessions on topics such as Poustik Aahar (nutritious diet), good nutrition during pregnancy and lactation, and the importance of exclusive breastfeeding were presented by nutrition inspectors and the DPHNO.

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World Breastfeeding Week at Mangan Hospital successfully highlighted the importance of breastfeeding and the need for continuous support and education for mothers. Such initiatives are crucial in promoting the health and well-being of mothers and children in India.

By Gretakgawshik

Dinesh Gretakgawshik, a seasoned writer and editor for, is known for transforming complex news into digestible content. With two years at, his versatile articles inspire, educate and provoke thought.

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