LibreOffice Impress Shortcut keysLibreOffice Impress Shortcut keys

Here are 100 keyboard LibreOffice Impress Shortcut Keys. These list provided includes a general set of common shortcuts that users will find in LibreOffice Impress versions ranging from 4.x to 7.x.

LibreOffice Impress Shortcut Keys : General

  1. Ctrl + N – New Presentation
  2. Ctrl + O – Open Presentation
  3. Ctrl + S – Save
  4. Ctrl + P – Print
  5. Ctrl + W – Close Presentation
  6. Ctrl + Q – Quit Impress
  7. Ctrl + X – Cut
  8. Ctrl + C – Copy
  9. Ctrl + V – Paste
  10. Ctrl + A – Select All
  11. Ctrl + Z – Undo
  12. Ctrl + Y – Redo
  13. Ctrl + F – Find
  14. Ctrl + H – Replace
  15. Ctrl + Shift + K – Insert Hyperlink

LibreOffice Impress Shortcut Keys : Slide Operations

  1. Ctrl + M – New Slide
  2. Ctrl + D – Duplicate Slide
  3. Ctrl + - – Delete Slide
  4. Page Up – Previous Slide
  5. Page Down – Next Slide

LibreOffice Impress Shortcut Keys : Formatting

  1. Ctrl + B – Bold
  2. Ctrl + I – Italic
  3. Ctrl + U – Underline
  4. Ctrl + E – Center Text
  5. Ctrl + L – Align Left
  6. Ctrl + R – Align Right
  7. Ctrl + = – Subscript
  8. Ctrl + Shift + = – Superscript
  9. Shift + F3 – Change case

LibreOffice Impress Shortcut Keys : Navigation

  1. Home – Beginning of Line
  2. End – End of Line
  3. Ctrl + Home – First Slide
  4. Ctrl + End – Last Slide
  5. F5 – Start Slideshow

LibreOffice Impress Shortcut Keys : View Modes

  1. Ctrl + F5 – Slide Sorter View
  2. Ctrl + F7 – Master View
  3. Ctrl + Shift + F5 – Normal View
  4. Ctrl + F4 – Notes View

LibreOffice Impress Shortcut Keys : Objects and Graphics

  1. Shift + Ctrl + G – Group Selected Objects
  2. Shift + Ctrl + Alt + G – Ungroup Selected Objects
  3. Shift + Ctrl + K – Break Selected Objects
  4. Shift + Ctrl + Z – Combine Selected Objects
  5. Shift + Ctrl + B – Split Selected Objects

Shortcut Keys : Tables, Charts, and Media

  1. Alt + Insert – Insert Table
  2. Alt + Chart – Insert Chart
  3. Alt + Movie – Insert Movie
  4. Alt + Sound – Insert Sound

Shortcut Keys : Text Operations

  1. Shift + F2 – Insert Comment
  2. Ctrl + Shift + P – Superscript
  3. Ctrl + Equals – Subscript

Shortcut Keys : Slide Show Operations

  1. Space or N or Right Arrow or Down Arrow or Page Down – Next Animation or Slide
  2. P or Backspace or Left Arrow or Up Arrow or Page Up – Previous Animation or Slide
  3. Esc – Exit Slide Show
  4. Home – First Slide in Slide Show
  5. End – Last Slide in Slide Show

Shortcut Keys : Miscellaneous

  1. Ctrl + Shift + + – Zoom In
  2. Ctrl + Shift + - – Zoom Out
  3. F11 – Styles and Formatting
  4. Ctrl + Shift + J – Data Sources
  5. Ctrl + J – Toggle Formulas/Values View
  6. Ctrl + Shift + F2 – Navigator
  7. Ctrl + T – Insert New Drawing
  8. Ctrl + Shift + F11 – Master Pages
  9. Ctrl + Shift + F12 – Task Pane
  10. Shift + F10 – Context Menu
  11. Alt + Enter – Properties
  12. Ctrl + Alt + F6 – Previous Document
  13. Ctrl + F6 – Next Document
  14. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S – Customize Slide Show
  15. Alt + F12 – Design Mode On/Off
  16. Ctrl + F9 – Update
  17. Ctrl + Shift + F10 – Activate Menubar
  18. Ctrl + Shift + R – Reload
  19. Ctrl + Shift + T – Header and Footer
  20. Ctrl + F10 – Send to Back
  21. Ctrl + F11 – Bring to Front
  22. Ctrl + Shift + F9 – Spellcheck
  23. Ctrl + Shift + F7 – Thesaurus
  24. Ctrl + Alt + S – Non-Printing Characters
  25. Ctrl + Shift + F8 – Extension Manager
  26. Ctrl + Shift + Y – Show Draw Functions
  27. F4 – Data Sources
  28. Ctrl + Shift + O – Formatting Mark Ends
  29. Ctrl + Shift + F – Bullets On/Off
  30. Ctrl + Shift + D – Duplicate Slide
  31. Ctrl + Shift + V – Paste Special
  32. Ctrl + Shift + I – Insert Slide
  33. Ctrl + F12 – Fields
  34. Alt + Shift + D – Duplicate
  35. Ctrl + Shift + B – Hide/Show
  36. F7 – Check Spelling
  37. Ctrl + Shift + F3 – Insert Page Number
  38. Ctrl + Shift + F4 – Insert Date and Time
  39. Ctrl + Shift + F5 – Slide Master View
  40. Ctrl + Shift + F6 – Handout Master View
  41. Ctrl + Shift + C – Copy Format
  42. Ctrl + Shift + V – Apply Format
  43. F2 – Edit Points
  44. Ctrl + Shift + G – Merge Points
  45. Ctrl + Shift + L – Split Points

As with any software suite, the exact functionality and accessibility of some of these shortcuts might vary based on the specific version of LibreOffice Impress you’re using, and some might also be dependent on the specific operating system. Always refer to official documentation for the most accurate and up-to-date list.

By Gretakgawshik

Dinesh Gretakgawshik, a seasoned writer and editor for, is known for transforming complex news into digestible content. With two years at, his versatile articles inspire, educate and provoke thought.

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