LibreOffice Calc Shortcut Keys100 LibreOffice Calc Shortcut Keys

Here are 100 common keyboard LibreOffice Calc Shortcut Keys. These list provided includes a general set of common shortcuts that users will find in LibreOffice Calc versions ranging from 4.x to 7.x.

LibreOffice Calc Shortcut Keys : General

  1. Ctrl + N – New Spreadsheet
  2. Ctrl + O – Open Spreadsheet
  3. Ctrl + S – Save
  4. Ctrl + P – Print
  5. Ctrl + W – Close Spreadsheet
  6. Ctrl + Q – Exit LibreOffice
  7. Ctrl + X – Cut
  8. Ctrl + C – Copy
  9. Ctrl + V – Paste
  10. Ctrl + A – Select All
  11. Ctrl + Z – Undo
  12. Ctrl + Y – Redo
  13. Ctrl + F – Find
  14. Ctrl + H – Find & Replace
  15. Ctrl + Shift + K – Insert Hyperlink

LibreOffice Calc Shortcut Keys : Formatting

  1. Ctrl + B – Bold
  2. Ctrl + I – Italic
  3. Ctrl + U – Underline
  4. Ctrl + Shift + Y – Currency Format
  5. Ctrl + Shift + % – Percentage Format
  6. Ctrl + Shift + # – Date Format
  7. Ctrl + Shift + @ – Time Format
  8. F2 – Edit Cell
  9. Ctrl + 1 – Format Cells Dialog
  10. Ctrl + Shift + & – Draw Border
  11. Ctrl + Shift + - – Remove Border
LibreOffice Calc Shortcut Keys

LibreOffice Calc Shortcut Keys : Navigation

  1. Home – Beginning of Row
  2. End – End of Row
  3. Ctrl + Home – First Cell in Spreadsheet
  4. Ctrl + End – Last Cell in Data Range
  5. Page Up – Up One Screen
  6. Page Down – Down One Screen
  7. Ctrl + Page Up – Previous Sheet
  8. Ctrl + Page Down – Next Sheet
  9. Ctrl + Arrow Key – Jump through Cells with Data
  10. Tab – Next Column
  11. Shift + Tab – Previous Column
  12. Enter – Next Row
  13. Shift + Enter – Previous Row

LibreOffice Calc Shortcut Keys : Cell Operations

  1. Ctrl + Space – Select Column
  2. Shift + Space – Select Row
  3. Ctrl + + – Insert Cells
  4. Ctrl + - – Delete Cells
  5. Alt + Enter – Start New Line within Cell
  6. Ctrl + ; – Insert Current Date
  7. Ctrl + Shift + ; – Insert Current Time
  8. Ctrl + ' (single quote) – Copy Value from Cell Above
  9. Ctrl + " (double quote) – Copy Formula from Cell Above
  10. Ctrl + D – Fill Down
  11. Ctrl + R – Fill Right

LibreOffice Calc Shortcut Keys : Sheet Operations

  1. Alt + Shift + F10 – Select All Sheets
  2. Ctrl + Shift + F10 – Select Current Sheet
  3. Alt + E, I, N – Insert New Sheet
  4. Alt + E, I, W – Insert New Worksheet
LibreOffice Calc Shortcut Keys

LibreOffice Calc Shortcut Keys : View

  1. Ctrl + Shift + J – Data Sources
  2. Ctrl + J – Toggle Formulas/Values View
  3. Ctrl + F8 – Toggle Point Mode
  4. Ctrl + F9 – Recalculate

LibreOffice Calc Shortcut Keys : Data Manipulation

  1. Alt + D, S, S – Sort
  2. Alt + D, F, F – AutoFilter
  3. Shift + Ctrl + F – AutoFilter
  4. Ctrl + Shift + L – Filter
  5. Alt + D, G, G – Group
  6. Alt + D, U, G – Ungroup

LibreOffice Calc Shortcut Keys : Charts

  1. Alt + I, G – Insert Chart

Calc Shortcut Keys : Tools

  1. Alt + T, S, O – Options
  2. Alt + T, M, C – Customize

Calc Shortcut Keys : Objects and Graphics

  1. Shift + Ctrl + G – Group Graphics
  2. Shift + Ctrl + Alt + G – Ungroup Graphics

Calc Shortcut Keys : Miscellaneous

  1. Ctrl + Shift + F5 – Data Range
  2. Ctrl + F3 – Name Manager
  3. F4 – Absolute/Relative References
  4. Shift + F4 – Search Next
  5. Shift + F3 – Search Previous
  6. Ctrl + Shift + F3 – Create Names
  7. F11 – Insert Chart
  8. Ctrl + F11 – Insert New Sheet
  9. Shift + F11 – New Worksheet
  10. Ctrl + T – Create Table
  11. Ctrl + F1 – Toggle Cell Toolbar
  12. Ctrl + Shift + F2 – Navigate to Input Line
  13. Ctrl + Shift + O – Toggle Panning Mode
  14. F8 – Extension of Selection Mode
  15. Shift + F8 – Add to Selection Mode
  16. Ctrl + F8 – Resize Point Mode
  17. Ctrl + Shift + F8 – Multiple Selection Mode
  18. Ctrl + F – Find and Replace
  19. Ctrl + Shift + F – Auto Filter
  20. Alt + Enter – Insert New Line in the Same Cell
  21. Ctrl + Enter – Fill Selected Cells with Current Entry
  22. Ctrl + Shift + Space – Select Entire Spreadsheet
  23. Shift + Ctrl + K – Create Hyperlink
  24. Ctrl + Shift + + – Insert New Row/Column
  25. Ctrl + Shift + - – Delete Row/Column
  26. Shift + Ctrl + N – Optimal Column Width
  27. Ctrl + Drag and Drop – Copy Cells
  28. Alt + Drag and Drop – Move Cells
  29. Ctrl + Shift + Drag and Drop – Create Series
  30. Ctrl + Shift + F12 – Total Cells
  31. Shift + F2 – Edit Comment

Do note that while most of these shortcuts are standard for many versions of LibreOffice Calc, they might differ slightly based on your version and your operating system. Always refer to official documentation for the most accurate and up-to-date list.

By Gretakgawshik

Dinesh Gretakgawshik, a seasoned writer and editor for, is known for transforming complex news into digestible content. With two years at, his versatile articles inspire, educate and provoke thought.

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